Monday, March 23, 2009

Rock Stars and Vampires

My 2 new addictions!

We bought a Wii. With the Wii we got Rockband! I am soooo not a game person, but Mr Rocks and I have been playing almost every day! We are pretty good, but I am still on easy. The kids like to play too.

A few months ago I asked my youngest sister in law about Twilight. I heard all the hype, and I could not fathom how grown people could get so worked up over something. She finally let me borrow Twilight. I got about half way through the first book and ordered the entire series for myself. It is that good! I haven't read an entire grown up book for enjoyment since becoming a mother. As a matter of fact, the last book I read I completed the night before I went into labor with A. I lost my attention span when I became a mother.

The bad news is that with my new addictions my house has really suffered. I have laundry piled up to the ceiling and piles of paper every where. I think it may wait until I complete the other 2 books!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kindergarden news

Yesterday, A brought home a book that I ordered from Scholastic for him. It is called There is a Bird on Your Head. To my amazement, he read it for me! He knew (almost) all the words. I am so proud of him!

Last week, Mr Rocks ran into his teacher and she told him that A is doing really well with reading and math. Mr Rocks loves hearing it from the teachers. We were both super proud.

I vividly remember that I didn't know how to read in first grade. As a matter of fact, in my first grade class there was only one boy in my class that did know how to read. Back then, the teacher made a big fuss over that fact. Now a days, I am sure that would not be allowed.

I am simply amazed at how much kids are learning now, and how early they are knowing it!