Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kindergarden news

Yesterday, A brought home a book that I ordered from Scholastic for him. It is called There is a Bird on Your Head. To my amazement, he read it for me! He knew (almost) all the words. I am so proud of him!

Last week, Mr Rocks ran into his teacher and she told him that A is doing really well with reading and math. Mr Rocks loves hearing it from the teachers. We were both super proud.

I vividly remember that I didn't know how to read in first grade. As a matter of fact, in my first grade class there was only one boy in my class that did know how to read. Back then, the teacher made a big fuss over that fact. Now a days, I am sure that would not be allowed.

I am simply amazed at how much kids are learning now, and how early they are knowing it!


Karla said...

That is fantastic! You should be very proud of A! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! I love getting compliments on how smart Zoey is. I'm hoping it only gets better once she's in school!

Rebecca said...

**SNIFF SNIFF** he is getting so big!